On the 17th of March 2014  Workers Association of Cambodia Posts and Telecommunications have conducted their annual work evaluation and annual work plan for the year 2014-2015 under the presence of H.E. Minister Prak Sokhonn.
Mr. Prum Sokha, head of workers' association has mentioned during his opening speech that to date the worker association have been in operation for 14 years now. This workers' association was established under the guidance of former minister H.E. So Khun with the aim to strengthen the solidarity and relationship of all the government officials that work under the ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Throughout the past, the minister of Posts and Telecommunications tend to call for meeting between all members of associations whether retired or not to come and share ideas and experience of their work situation and personal wellbeing. On top of this the minister always looks at the difficulties and challenges that each worker faced during their daily operation so that the association can help locate appropriate solution to these problems. Not only that, the minister always provide equal incentives for municipal and provincial members that will help alleviate the cost of living for our members of the association. 
The meeting has voted to elect 11 of the new board members from 20 candidates running for the workers' association 7th term (2014-2015) to which H.E. Minister Prak Sokhonn announced his full support for the new board members. During this conference H.E. Minister have mentioned that this workers' association has played an important role in creating work synergy by bringing together all government officials, officers, and staff members that work under the MPTC to share their work experiences and personal experiences directing at improving work efficiency and effectiveness. On the other hand there will be a huge burden for this association to come up with new creative ideas and innovation whilst eliminate inactions aiming to improve outputs and generate more revenue for the government.


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